Sunday, June 10, 2012

Artist's Village

The Artist's village in Caryville Tennessee. I went to an open house there was live entertainment as well as local artist's. The open house was meant for the community to get a chance to meet the artist's and ask questions and look at some cool art work. A small turn out was not what I had hoped for. Art is a way to express ones self and not get judged adversely. The chance to meet some very talented people that may some day be famous as Louie Bluie. Who we have a festival each year. The artist's Village is a chance to the youth also to express them self's we as parents are letting our kids play video games and do well what ever. The artist Village is a way for our children to do something that requires some thought and a desire to achieve a higher level of drawing or painting, Metal working, Music, Photography. The Artist's Village is located at 203 Main St. Caryville, TN. 37714 (865)567-706.


One of the Featured Artist's (Mildred Robinson of Caryville)
A 1955 bell off of an old ship

Music provided by the metal work Artist's.  On the right Joe Babb and his wife.